Season 4 Episode 11: Stop—and Go? The Fiduciary Rule & Forfeiture Suits

Season 4 Episode 11

The so-called fiduciary rule has been stayed—and legal challenges regarding forfeiture reallocation are picking up.  Nevin & Fred discuss what you should be doing…now.

About a month ago two separate federal judges put a hold on the effective date (09/23) of the Labor Department’s new fiduciary rule—indefinitely.  In ordering the stay, United States District Judge Jeremy D. Kernodle explained that “the 2024 Fiduciary Rule suffers from many of the same problems” that were found in the version vacated by the Fifth Circuit back in 2018.

On the other (unrelated) hand, the number of suits alleging a fiduciary breach in the use of forfeitures to offset employer contributions is increasing—and most recently those charges have been appended to the more “traditional” excessive fee suits.  That, and a couple of the original group have now gotten past the motion to dismiss.     

In light of those trends, what should plan fiduciaries do?  In this podcast episode, Nevin & Fred will discuss the trends, the issues, the implications, and some next steps.

Episode Resources

Staff Bulletin: Standards of Conduct for Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers Account Recommendations for Retail Investors

Fiduciary Rule

Federal Judge Slams Brakes on Fiduciary Rule

Another Federal Court Slams Fiduciary Rule

Department of Labor Releases Final Investment Advice Fiduciary Rule

Forfeiture Reallocation Litigation

Major Forfeiture Fiduciary Breach Suit Gets Green Light

Another Excessive Fee Suit (Also) Claims Forfeiture Use a Fiduciary Breach

Nordstrom Nailed With Massive Allegations in 401(k) Fiduciary Breach Suit

Future Live Appearances:

Strategic Retirement Partners:

ASPPA Annual:

NAPA 401(k) Summit: 

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