Season 2 Episode 2 “Alternative Investment Alternatives”

Season 2, Episode 2 – Alternative Investment Alternatives

A hot topic of conversation of late has been crypto currency – and just as it seemed to be making some inroads on some 401(k) platforms, the Labor Department jumped in with something called a Compliance Assistance Release that should certainly give pause to plan fiduciaries. That follows a bit of a clarification on a stance it issued on the appropriateness of private equity in defined contribution plans in 2020, which, in turn, follows a new proposal on ESG and some commentary on self-directed brokerage accounts (SDBAs).

All that means that there is the potential for a bit of “flux” with regard to some non-traditional DC plan investments. In this episode, Nevin & Fred bat around the issues, the alternatives, and the potential consequences for plan fiduciaries!

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